Have You Checked Out RebelMouse Yet?

RebelMouse.com Graphic Social Media Enhancement

RebelMouse is the new Social Media Enhancement Experience on the block

I’m really impressed with it so far.
Apparently they are pinging domains getting the word out. I noticed a referrer from them in my stats and followed the link back to their website, which is currently in beta.

Well i signed up my sites twitter feed and here is the results.

This is easily enabled in WordPress with the rebelmouse.com plugin. It’s as easy as downloading the plugin from within your site’s plugin manager, add new. Of simply download from the link above, un-compress, and ftp upload to your plugins folder.

This plugin’s WordPress setup in reality is nothing but embedded content in an inline frame (iframe), so it’s not going to be much benefit to your sites seo. However i have seen some my sites articles coming up in various searches on RebelMouse.com. It’s too soon to tell if any duplicate content will have a negative effect. One thing is for sure – there is a shit load of back links going into it.

If you install this plugin and are using a SEO plugin, it’s best to add a meta description, and also set a featured image for whatever page you decide to use. The default is Social Stream. I just added that page to my menu structure under the general chatter tab.

It’s new but in reality it’s pretty cool – lets see how it does. 🙂

For more information, visit the rebelmouse blog.

A few users recently have mentioned how they love seeing RebelMouse pull in their social content, but they’re not sure how to use it after that. One of the great things about RebelMouse is it’s very customizable, but we wanted to highlight a few use cases.

Update 01/19/2015: I pulled the plug on rebelmouse. Since denying hotlinking to my images any blog content i shared to them displayed broken images. It worked well for me but duplicate content could be an issue too. So long rebel mouse, it was an interesting experiment. 😉

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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